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Cristina Marie Ferri

spiritual director | sober unicorn

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Cristina Ferri is a Certified Peer Recovery Specialist, Spiritual Director & a person in long-term recovery. With a background in psychology, trauma-informed crisis intervention, and spiritual direction, she enjoys weaving spiritual practices into daily life, awakening the mind, body, and spirit through tried and true spiritual practices, including prayer and silence combined with creative expression.

Cristina is passionate about creating safe, judgment-free spaces for people. After serving as the Chaplain at the women’s prison, she has transitioned to youth ministry to inspire and walk alongside young people as they understand their walk with God.  She desires to create meaningful conversations within a safe environment for one to speak and be heard without judgment. Her mission is to remind others that God is with us and loves us exactly where we are, as we are. Through honesty, compassion, and transparency, Cristina fosters relationships built on trust and love, believing that listening and engaging conversations are more impactful than enforcing rules or checklists.

Committed to living out her faith, Cristina embraces her journey of healing and transformation, using experiences and weaknesses as stepping stones so that others may know the grace that has found her. As a native New Englander, she stays grounded by spending solitary time experiencing God’s presence and grace throughout the natural beauty of the region as well as through her two fur-babies, Buddy Barktholomew & Louie Ruffalo, praying, and surrounding herself with a loving, supportive community. 

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"And in His Will is our peace"

Dante degli Alighieri

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